I’ll be back in a day or two with more thought-provoking blog posts. In the meantime, since it’s the weekend, I figured I’d share with you a few things I am working on and reading that wouldn’t necessarily fit in an entire blog post — including some fun I’m having! (more…)
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Because it has Stick Figures In Peril.
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In the cPanel store…

Well… what do you click? Chanage or Change? (Neither of which, I might add, say “This looks good…next screen please!”)
Edit: Looks like the correct answer for “Next page” was, in fact, Change. A gold star to those who figured it out!
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Okay, so I thought Web 2.0 was all overhyped bullshit, and then I found this. Yep, all those millions of dollars spent on venture capital were worth it, baby, because now we can write “WTF!!!!” on maps.
Web 2.0, you roxor. ๐
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…to those poor lost souls searching for a huge hamburger. (Result #3)
SlashChick.com, at your service! ๐
Edit: R points out that I should start the world’s first huge hamburger colocation service. What a brilliant idea! OMGWTFLOLBBQ!!!!111. (Hmm, “OMGWTFLOLBBQ!!!111” might actually be relevant here. Stop the presses! I think I have a new slogan!)
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